Something Wicked This Way Comes --For Real
Helter Skelter Run For Shelter  PART 1

by James Whisler (with apologies to Ray Bradbury)
'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.' These are probably the most often quoted words we've heard from the late JFK, a man who was ritualistically murdered by an undisclosed number of professional snipers. This bizarre Masonic sacrifice dubbed the Killing of the Sun King was then covered up by the priests of Babylon and pinned on a single fall guy, the infamous Oswald.  Thirty-nine years later ( 39--3x13, is the number of Baal 1 ) a series of  13 attempted sniper slayings in the D.C. area, 10 of which were successful, was charged to John Allen Muhammed and Lee Malvo. Clearly pointed out by David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries is the fact that the locations of these killings followed a pattern by laying out satanic symbols of the pentagram and upside-down broken cross. Like Mr. David Bay, I am compelled to believe that these were carried out by the Illuminati; and the converted Muslim John Allen Muhammed and his sidekick were mind-controlled fronts and may have had little or nothing to do with the actual murders.

I would venture that the same Sons of Belial are proving that they have continually been active with several publicly performed rites.  According to their modus operandi, important rituals are scheduled to take place at certain times and are rudimentary ingredients in the New World Order recipe. It goes without saying that to them, these strange ceremonious episodes must be done with painstaking efforts to pull them off and yet give them the appearance of naturally occurring events.

Let's quickly look at a couple other famous Illuminati rituals which are rarely, if ever, identified as such:

As we are creeping up on its tenth anniversary... on April 19, 1993, at Waco, Texas, there transpired an atrocious scene that I like to call Jezebel's Revenge. Many discerning Christians in this country immediately recognized that the Clinton Administration was a modern day manifestation of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. Hillary Clinton is undeniably ruled by the Jezebel Spirit. The ancient Jezebel worshiped the Babylonian god Baal ( Baal is the same deity as Saturn and Moloch), who demanded the sacrifice of children by burning them.


The Hebrew children picked up these abominable practices from their heathen neighbors, the Moabites, Midianites and the Canaanites. Wearying of their wavering in idolatry, the Lord arranged a time that it should be dealt with. That great prophet Elijah called for a showdown with the prophets of Baal at a little place called Mount Carmel, to see once and for all who is the one true God.

And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.       I Kings 18:21

On that day, the Lord accepted Elijah's sacrifice and consumed it with fire. Elijah then commanded the priests of Baal to be slain near the brook Kishon. The parallels are easily seen and most probably do not need to be pointed out to the reader. For Jezebel II (Hillary) wanted to offer sacrifice for her god on Mt. Carmel in Texas, near the Brazos River in the spring of '93 (93 is the reverse of 39, the number of Baal--reversal of numbers is a common numeralogical practice among occultists). It was not a botched government raid, regardless of what the mainstream media puffs out. It was an elaborate Illuminati ritual, taking years to plan out; a reversal of I Kings 18. David Koresh was, in all likelihood, a mind-controlled plant ( there are quite a few strong indicators which point toward this) sent to the Branch Davidians to prepare them for the apocalyptic fate that he promised them.  When the government agents were assured that the ritual sacrifice was achieved, they lowered the Davidian flag of the Star of David and raised the BATF flag because they believed their god had defeated the God of Israel that day.

They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind:              
                                                   Jeremiah 19:5

Poor Janet gets accused of engineering their deaths, when it was actually the sadistic puppet master Hillary who gave the go-ahead. Christian researcher Texe Marrs quotes Hillary Clinton, otherwise known as the essence of eloquence, as saying:

Through the ordeal, Janet Reno was oft' heard saying something or other about how they were 'doing it for the children'. Later we learned that she didn't mean they were attacking the church in order to save the children, but rather to sacrifice them. Kinda reminds me of the cannibal who said he was having a friend over for dinner.
"Torch the Mother Do it today!" 2

That's a quarter in the swear jar, young lady!!  Texe also explained that April 19th, the date she gave the order was the beginning of the  (13) High Holy Days of witchcraft. To top it off with an ironic twist, the name Hillary actually means cheerful.

Hold onto your noisemakers kids, cuz the jokes just keep coming.

The FBI and ATF, basking in the afterglow of their Waco churchburning campaign, have resolved to --- are you ready for this?--- prevent arson and bombings on churches and find and prosecute those who perpetrate such actions.  In 1996, under the Clinton Administration, the  National Church Arson Task Force was formed. This new consortium contains other wholesome Federal agencies as well.

Some of the more amusing flapdoodle concerning the NCATF, found on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms website include:


Queen Jezebel II
Attack of the Clowns
I don't know about you, but the last thing that gives me a peaceful feeling  is a mental picture of these agencies protecting houses of worship. More will be discussed later on the future plans to carry out extensive firebombing on the churches in this country.
The Bible instructs us as believers to 'present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service' Romans 12:1. Satan, on the other hand, demands that his servants carry out unrestrained blood sacrifices as a token of their faithfulness and devotion to him before he disperses more power to them.  What happened on September 11, 2001 was in one sense a scripturally-twisted ritual; albeit, one with many politically charged ramifications.

Dave Flynn of the Watcher website perceptively identifies it as  "the symbolic antithesis and contraposition of the story of Samson".  He writes:

" The NCATF is composed of ATF, FBI, DOJ, FEMA, HUD and CRS. ATF applies its expertise in arson and bombing investigations and its jurisdiction in federal arson statutes to investigating and apprehending those who attack houses of worship. The FBI brings its expertise in Civil Rights and Hate Crimes and applies these statutes when applicable. DOJ adds to the effort by providing attorneys to prosecute individuals burning houses of worship, applying the most appropriate statutes. Recognizing that cooperation between the public and law enforcement is essential in the fight against these crimes, the Community Relations Service of DOJ assists by fostering positive relationships between communities and law enforcement. FEMA manages arson prevention and training programs. HUD brings its expertise in coordinating rebuilding programs to the task force.

" Today, ATF continues in the forefront in the fight against church arson. Utilizing its statutory authority under 18 USC, section 844, ATF's pursuit of arsonists has become institutionalized in the Bureau. Applying these statutes and ATF expertise to house of worship fires has become a top priority. Additionally, ATF has numerous support programs available in the investigation of church arsons....blah blah blah..." 3

"And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her (Delilah), and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength [lieth], and by what [means] we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred [pieces] of silver. (Flight 11 hit the first of the twin towers ) Jdg 16:5 And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. Jdg 16: 28 (the reverse of this, Horus lost one of his eyes in the fight with the killer of Osiris, his twin Seth) And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house (of Dagon) stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. Judges
16:29 And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. (the Twin towers attack was suicidal) And he bowed himself with [all his] might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that [were] therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than [they] which he slew in his life. Jdg 16:30"

"Samson is an anagram for Masons (Anagram of Osama Bin = I B a Mason). Samson also toppled two pillars - of the temple of "Dagon" - the Fish / Dragon god of the Philistines (Dragon Ladon in Greek myth). The events that caused the first airline to collide with the "twin towers" were put into motion around 13:00 Greenwich mean time. 13 is the number of Isis, whose symbol is the 5 pointed star (Pentagon)...." 4

There  was an incredulous amount of numerological anomalies associated with the events on September 11th. For example, the number 11 was so epidemic that it caused quite the buzz on the internet. Master satanist Aleister Crowley and other dominant satanists have identified with the number 11 and shown a reverence for it (in addition to 11, they are addicted to the numbers 1,3,5,9,13,22,33, and 39). Crowley was also obsessed with the number 93 (39 reversed)-- remember Flight 93? Another part of the preplanned sacrifice fated to take place that day. It crash landed outside a small town called SHANKSville, Pennsylvania. One local pastor there made the observation that the shank is the most important part of the sacrficed lamb eaten on Passover, and oddly enough, the plane crashed on a road named LAMBertsville Road. Another meaning for the word shank is when you hit something like a golf ball with the heel of the club and knock it off into an unintended flight path. Ya don't say. Wasn't that plane shanked? And did we ever get any answers from the government about what really happened?

The topic immediately afterwards of what really happened on Sept. 11th was so hot that it prompted President Bush, while giving a speech at the U N, to make the statement " Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th!! " Really George? What do you have planned for those unruly conspiracy nuts? Can you give us a hint? Author Dave McGowan recently commented in his newsletter that the opposite of a conspiracy theorist is a coincidence theorist.

Let's weigh in on the Pentagon attack. It was connected to the three known degrees (especially the 3rd) of Cagliostro's Egypto-Hermetic tradition of Freemasonry. Cagliostro's rituals are similar to English Masonry, Skull & Bones, ancient and modern witchcraft, Satanism and various other mystery religions in their focus on a death-and-rebirth transformation. Cagliostro, however, emphasized an alchemical theme. The pentagon is a sacred symbol highlighted throughout Cagliostro's rituals. The Catechism (lecture segment) of the 3rd degree or Master Grade, as the prominent occultist Waite writes, dwells "upon the Pentagon as the fruit of the Great Work of moral regeneration by the retreat of forty days." (see Waite's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, vol.1, p. 98.) This is in reference to a symbolic interim where the candidate figuratively went on a 40 day retreat and drank an elixir (the philosopher' s stone). The 'Great Work' in alchemical terminology has to do with the creation or restoration of perfection or divinity in fallen man -- his thought processes must change -- his worldview must change. The 3rd degree ritual also deals with the alchemical symbol of the phoenix; and its tracing board (training tool or visual aid) features the reborn phoenix, rising from its own ashes. This degree additionally focuses on ceremonial magic -- the summoning and control of demons. Albert Mackey merely confessed that Cagliostro's "sacred pentagon," highlighted in these rituals, gave his disciples "the power of holding spiritual intercourse." (see Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry under pentagon.) Ceremonial magicians like to boast of their power over demonic beings; what they don't like to brag about is the many human sacrifices they have to commit in order to obtain the real power. Aleister Crowley mentioned it, but his followers, carrying out 'damage control,'  soon dismissed his comments as tongue-in-cheek. Like so many other Illuminati kingpins of days gone by, Cagliostro (a confessed member of the Illuminati) is publicly spurned, but secretly revered by other initiates for his vast occult knowledge. Crowley openly praised Cagliostro.

What's the bigger picture here? The human sacrifices from the plane (or missile, by some accounts) entering the Pentagon took place on the west side, the same direction the candidate enters the temple for his alchemical transformation. Thus began the intangible, spiritual alchemical process upon the people of this country by those black magicians inside the Beltway. This "moral regeneration" so successfully affected the psyche of the American populace that no one ever saw the world the same again after September 11th. (By the way, do you think it was a coincidence that the attack happened exactly on the 60th anniversary of the date construction began on the Pentagon, Sept. 11, 1941? In occult numeralogy, 60 reduces to 6:  6 + 0 = 6, the number of fallen man). The fruits of the new alchemists' deeds could be seen soon afterward (the symbolic 40 days of contemplation) . The Pentagon rebuilding project, labeled "Phoenix Project," began on October 18, 2001. The Patriot Act was introduced in the House five days later and rushed through like a whirlwind, being signed by Bush on the 26th. Oh yes, the metamorphosis was a success. Under the Patriot Act, the rights of the people were being stolen right under their noses by the Washington alchemists and the people responded with deep appreciation. As the columnist Philip Darrell Collins wrote in The Semiotic Deception of September 11th:

'Suddenly, the appellation of "patriot," which was previously a stigma assigned to tax protesters and members of militias, regained its place in the cultural lexicon of reverential labels. The removal of the pejorative connotations previously imposed upon the "patriot" facilitated the semiotic deception that was to follow with the introduction of the Patriot Act. Connotatively, the very title of the Patriot Act suggested that those who opposed it constituted "unpatriotic" elements. Thus, acquiescence meant patriotism.'

(I invite you to read the entire article to see more on how the deceptions of Sep. 11th were carried out: )

If you rallied to the side of the government against all those crazy, accusatory 'conspiracy theorists,' and if you supported the Patriot Act and subsequent similar legislation, then the alchemy worked on you.

With the successful attacks on the WTC and Pentagon, the Bad Boys in the Beltway gained heretofore unheard of powers over the minds and bodies of a populace in shock. The numbness provided the perfect anesthesia for the doctors of death to surgically remove the heart of liberty from the body politic. And like clockwork, they pinned it on a scapegoat (nineteen of them, actually).

And...with all the sacrifices that took place that fateful day -- the planes, the towers, and the Pentagon -- I have wondered if the black magicians in D.C. were not then supernaturally empowered to call forth and unleash Medit, Satan's chief general in charge of murder, war, and strife. After all, was not Bush soon able to start a war with Iraq on the flimsiest of pretexts? Was it also a coincidence that he officially declared the war over on the day most sacred to Illuminists: May 1st, a.k.a. Bel-(Baal)-tane?  

Let us quickly mention the latest tragedy to be considered; that of the disintegration of the space shuttle Columbia over Texas on  the morning of February 1st, killing 6 Americans and one Israeli. We have yet another event with occultic numerological anomalies. The explosion happened at about 39 miles up and very close to the 33rd parallel. The date of this occurrence is a satanic feast day known as Imbolc renamed Candlemas by the Catholic Church -- one of the eight primary sabbats that the Illuminati is guaranteed to carry out sacrifices. This traces back to an ancient Druidic Celtic Fire Festival when humans were sacrificed by being burned to death. Are we supposed to assume that it was coincidence that an Israeli astronaut was on board and that debris was found all over Palestine, Texas. You can't write fiction that good. Columbia originally represents this female personification of America in a goddess type form. What does this say concerning the Illuminati's future plans for America?

As we've noted, for their public rituals the illuminati hierarchy likes to apply themes with Biblical reversals, as well as Masonic and Pagan rituals. Or a combination of the three. It is not an unsolvable challenge to put the pieces together after certain tragedies  and determine that a heinous sacrifice ritual has been promulgated only with a camouflaged underlying theme. It is much more difficult, if not inconceivable to foresee them coming and forewarn others. Otherwise, John F. Kennedy would have made sure that he was anywhere but downtown Dallas on November 22, 1963.  And perhaps if given the chance, Kennedy would have said " Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what your government intends to do to you..." instead of the quote he made famous, replicated at the beginning of this article. Which strangely brings me back to the D.C. Sniper. If it was truly a ritual sacrifice taking place, then what did it mean?

Once again, I must give credit to David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries for his analysis of the shootings. A key piece of info that David brought out was the significance of the Neronic Cross created by the locations of the assassinations. The Broken Cross symbolizes Satan's desire to slaughter Christians and crush Christianity. This is the same thing he attempted through Nero. The crowning of the New World Order with the rise of Antichrist is to be ceremoniously inaugurated with the blood of Christians. With sacrifice comes the promised power...

Forward to part 2